In this video, we walk through unboxing and installation of the Yale Real Living Assure Lock with Bluetooth and Z-Wave in our smart-home labs. With this lock, Yale presents homeowners...
The front door on today’s connected home has taken a turn for the better. By replacing the ubiquitous deadbolt with a key-free Yale Assure Lock with Bluetooth, consumers can simply...
Apple macOS aficionados have long enjoyed seamless data backup and recovery, thanks to the built-in Time Machine software. And when it was time to restore a single file or even...
In a concerted effort to elevate the profile of Apple HomeKit—the Cupertino company’s foundational infrastructure for smart-home technology accessory integration—Apple has taken a giant step forward by releasing the fresh...
As one of first wireless LED lighting systems, Philips Hue has been at the forefront of elevating residential illumination technology from the mundane to the sophisticated. For example, their Hue...
The Nest Labs app for their line of smart-home technology products has joined the domain where wrist-borne complications, haptics, and glances are commonplace—a world otherwise known as the Apple Watch....
The classis Swiss Army Knife multi-tool—crafted in the signature red and white colors from the flag of Switzerland—has a well-earned reputation as the consummate jack of all trades. It seems...
If we were writing the definitive guidebook for smart-home technology integration, the probability is high that we would add flexibility to the guide’s checklist of desirable attributes for these dwellings....
In the powers-that-be battle for dominance on the evolving smart home automation front, electronics giant Samsung took its opening shot across the driveway in August of 2014 with its acquisition of...
Apple announced HomeKit, their answer for the connected smart home, in June 2014 at their Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Implementation details were unclear then as Apple built its case for...
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