Building a Smart Home to Stand the Passage of Time: Part 2
The value of a home in the real estate market is determined by supply and demand; if your property has...
Eduardo (Eddie) Estelles is an electronics engineer specialised in IoT for the energy sector. He founded Logic Energy in 2007, a firm specialising in supporting new energies technologies. More recently, his work has been focused on integrating IoT with demand response for energy networks within the domestic, small, and medium enterprise sector using smart home technology.
Today, Eddie is bringing industrial-grade technology to the end consumer for the home automation sector with the Machinon platform. His vision is to bring open, sustainable, and tie-free solutions to the building and control automation sector, taking his experience from the industrial sector to design long-term supported systems.
The value of a home in the real estate market is determined by supply and demand; if your property has...
When the concept of a smart home is mentioned, we tend to visualize a household where all appliances and accessories...
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