With a form factor designed to match that of the typical low-tech water cooler, Aquarius Brands has brought high tech and and high science to the kitchen with the AquaBoy®...
Metal surfaces have earned a well-deserved reputation as the leading roofing choice on today’s sustainable architecture homefront, and for good reasons. The benefits of these roofs are many, including an...
The Nest Labs app for their line of smart-home technology products has joined the domain where wrist-borne complications, haptics, and glances are commonplace—a world otherwise known as the Apple Watch....
High-performance home building is a carefully orchestrated symphony of site selection, architectural design, component selection, and construction prowess. Having any single element of this quartet out of tune with its fellow...
You don’t need to be Stephen Hawking or Neil deGrasse Tyson to appreciate the benefits pitch-dark skies bring to even casual stargazing. But as naturally-dark skies become increasingly rare due...
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