There can be many benefits to investing in a smart home. They can save you time, money, and increase your home’s security while delivering on eco-friendly goals. Many smart features...
If you want to increase your productivity, having an unorganized workplace, especially when working from home, can work against you. Whenever we think of messy, digital clutter—most of the time—doesn’t...
Smart home technology has gone mainstream, and today we can control many aspects of our connected homes with voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, or Google Assistant. But as...
There’s no denying that the smart home industry is booming. In fact, there seems to be a new company popping up every few months with a plethora of state-of-the-art technology...
A passive house is one that can maintain a comfortable interior temperature year round without the use of active heating or cooling. They go further than a solar-powered home, and...
Move over, electric vehicles. A new trend—called the “electrify everything” movement—is making its way to the headlines. Depending on where you live and when your home was built, it may...
Your home's water system called. It wants your respect back. With all of the buzz around connected homes, your water system may still be stuck in the dark ages. Its...
When you walk into a consumer electronics store or do a web search, the number of connected home accessory choices out there can be dizzying. So where do you begin...
From our colleagues at CopyPress, here's a timely infographic for Earth Day 2019, where you can learn about some great tips for saving money and helping to save the environment....
Here at Digitized House, we spend nearly every waking moment of every day researching, evaluating, photographing, and writing about the technology that goes into your home. But now and then,...
Let’s face it. There is no joy in paying your monthly energy bill. But there is much you can do to reduce the amount of energy your home consumes each...
Given the rapid advancement and broad accessibility to smart home technology, it is becoming inextricably woven into our dwellings and lifestyles. But did you realize that the underpinnings of the...
Passive housing is fast becoming one of the most sought-after types of accommodation as homeowners realize the energy-saving (and indeed bill-reducing) and sustainability potential of this fascinating concept. In a...
In a comprehensive infographic on the green or high-performance home, the creative and editorial team behind the Energy Efficient Home: The Basics infographic below have most assuredly gone far beyond...
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